Hello! My name is Kim and I am excited about helping you get the best for less. Proverbs 31 tells us that one of the attributes of that coveted Proverbs 31 Woman is that she is an excellent shopper and wise steward of the finances she is given. In an effort to emulate her, and in response to the current economy I have picked up an old habit. Couponing! Couponing can be very fun, and what's best is that I can bless my family with things we normally couldn't afford otherwise.
I have three teenagers, (one away at college), and a hungry husband. Creating an environment of peace and comfort is a pleasure to me. Right now, 3 of the 4 of us are on a Daniel fast. http://thosewhohunger.blogspot.com/2009/10/what-is-daniel-fast.html If you aren't familiar with a Daniel fast it's a 21 day fast where you mostly eat vegetables and fruit, with a few whole grains mixed in there. This means I'm especially looking for deals on produce. One thing I hope to include in my blog different from other local coupon bloggers is a menu based upon the sales for the week!