One of my familty's Christmas traditions is that we buy a new Christmas book every year and read it along with the Biblical account of the Christmas story in Luke. Here are some of my family's favorites.
#8 - Olive, The Other Reindeer - The art in this book is amazing! The story is adorable, it is sure to become one of your family's favorites.
#7 - The Best Christmas Pageant Ever - If you're looking for a chapter book, this is my favorite children's Christmas chapter book. How many of us remember how much we all wanted a good part in the Christmas pageant? This is great for an upper grammar or junior high student.
#6 - The Polar Express - This book is so beautiful! The story is lovely and the pictures are dreamy. A coffee table Christmas book for sure!
#5 - How the Grinch Stole Christmas! - I didn't appreciate Dr. Seuss until I was an adult. I never really liked his books as a child. Now I love them. This is no exception. What a great book, with a great message.
#4 - The Night Before Christmas - What a magical book. The two things I remember most about this book is the sugar plums dancing in the heads and how I always used to laugh when my mom would pause at the part where it says "I went to the window and I threw up.....the sash."
#3 - The Glory of Christmas - I always put this book in one of my bathrooms. Max Lucado, Charles Swindoll and Charles Colson write about Christmas very profoundly. This would make an excellent gift.
#2 - A Christmas Carol - The original Scrooge. We all know one. The person who doesn't like the holidays, or any other cheerful thing. It's so refreshing to see that person rehabilitated, and it gives us hope for the ones in our lives who are the same.
#1 - The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey - I can not read this story out loud without crying. The pictures are beautiful, and the story is very moving. My favorite read-aloud Christmas book ever....
Start your collection this year! Let me know what your favorites are, (I'm running out!)
In response to a 40 day teaching on generosity, I began to seek God on how I could give more. Then it came to me! I could use coupons to purchase the free items offered every week and give them to widows and single mothers. God is faithful and He gives seed to the sower.
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas Discussion Questions
The idea of these questions is to produce meaningful discussion. You can add scripture or personal stories if you'd like.
1. Why was the Grinch so mean?
2. Do you know anyone that is treated unfairly?
3. What can you do to help in a situation where someone is being bullied?
Central themes:
1. Why was the Grinch so mean?
2. Do you know anyone that is treated unfairly?
3. What can you do to help in a situation where someone is being bullied?
Central themes:
- Christmas is more than just presents
- Hurting people hurt people
- Think about why someone is the way that they are before disliking them.
- Believing in someone gives them an opportunity to become who they can be rather than who they may have become
Day 3 -Christmas Movie Marathon - Seven Christmas Movies for Christmas Week
Our family likes to watch Christmas movies together during the Christmas season. Even if I'm too busy to sit down and actually pay attention, I like to hear my favorite movies playing in the background while I'm baking or wrapping presents. So here's a list to get you through this last week of the season. Note: I only included family friendly movies. If I were to include a list for older children and/or grown ups, I would include Family Man and A Christmas Story. In addition, I will be posting a family discussion guide as an extra post daily in case some of you would like to use these movies as a catalyst to spur on Christ centered discussions with your children.
Night #2 -
The beautifully illustrated book becomes a beautifully animated movie. I love how this movie captures the "dreamy" feel of the book reminding the audience of that vivid moment between sleep and wakefulness. Great movie to watch right before going to bed.
Night #3 - Elf is such a fun movie. It's definitely my favorite Will Farrell movie, seeing that many of his movies are inappropriate for families, (and some adults too!). It's always a big hit with children to see a grown up acting childlike.
Night #4 - I know it might sound silly, but I cry every time I watch this. The simplicity of the presentation of the Christmas story is so beautiful. Plus, I also get inspired by Charles Schulz's boldness to present the Gospel.
Night #5 - I am not a part of the "I hate Home Alone because it shows a disrespectful kid" group. Isn't that the lesson he learns? I think there are a lot of great lessons for children in this movie, and it still makes me laugh my head off!
Night #6 - I suppose if you have to you can get this movie in color for the kids. I like it better in black and white. This is my all time favorite movie - ever. Love, love, love it. My favorite line - "Worse, he's discouraged." Sooo many discipleship opportunities here.
Day #7 - What better way to end your Christmas Eve than by watching this beautiful version of the nativity story? I find that the reality and simplicity of this production is a miracle on film. I like it almost as much as the Passion of Christ. Beautiful way to focus your Christmas on the reason for the season.
Night #1 - A feast for the eyes! What a beautiful job this movie does in bringing the audience into a Dr. Seuss world!! The costumes, makeup, hairstyles, and sets are AMAZING! Jim Carrey does a remarkable job and makes me laugh every time. What a great way to kick off the Christmas week.
Night #2 -
The beautifully illustrated book becomes a beautifully animated movie. I love how this movie captures the "dreamy" feel of the book reminding the audience of that vivid moment between sleep and wakefulness. Great movie to watch right before going to bed.
Night #3 - Elf is such a fun movie. It's definitely my favorite Will Farrell movie, seeing that many of his movies are inappropriate for families, (and some adults too!). It's always a big hit with children to see a grown up acting childlike.
Night #4 - I know it might sound silly, but I cry every time I watch this. The simplicity of the presentation of the Christmas story is so beautiful. Plus, I also get inspired by Charles Schulz's boldness to present the Gospel.
Night #5 - I am not a part of the "I hate Home Alone because it shows a disrespectful kid" group. Isn't that the lesson he learns? I think there are a lot of great lessons for children in this movie, and it still makes me laugh my head off!
Night #6 - I suppose if you have to you can get this movie in color for the kids. I like it better in black and white. This is my all time favorite movie - ever. Love, love, love it. My favorite line - "Worse, he's discouraged." Sooo many discipleship opportunities here.
Day #7 - What better way to end your Christmas Eve than by watching this beautiful version of the nativity story? I find that the reality and simplicity of this production is a miracle on film. I like it almost as much as the Passion of Christ. Beautiful way to focus your Christmas on the reason for the season.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Day 2 of 12 Buy Yourself and Someone Else A Book to Get You Started For a New Year
I love to read. For the most part I love to read fiction, but there are a few non-fiction books I've read that have really changed my life. Everyone looks for a new diet, a new way to organize, and new devotional etc for the new year. I think in many ways this is a healthy thing. We all love a fresh start. Fresh starts bring new hope and momentum.
Here is a short list of books I've been impacted by that will help you start out the new year ready for anything!
Celebration of Discipline is always the first non-fiction book I recommend. Richard Foster wrote this book over twenty years ago, but its classic content never grows old. He touches on the disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting just to name a few. I love Foster's writing style and his use of the old classical authors from Augustine to Bonhoeffer. I regularly purchase this book for my friends and Christian leaders. This book would make an excellent gift for someone in the ministry.
This is such a devotional classic. Oswald Chambers brings your walk with God into every nook and cranny of your life, and does it without judgment or guilt. Instead he brings hope to the reader that spiritual transformation is definite when we trust God for change.
If you've never gone through this daily devotional it is a MUST!!
This book is an excellent guide especially for the person who can never say no. Gordon MacDonald shares his tips on how to manage each portion of your life so that you can be balanced and honor God through every responsibility you have.
If you're looking for a great new devotional for the year. Look no further. Especially if you like in-depth Bible study.
I Dare You! Challenges you from the first. William Danforth, the founder of Purina, asks you to commit to reading through this booklet in one sitting. This is a great book for a college and career person. Someone just starting out in the world. Some of the lessons are a little dated, but that just makes the book charming...
Do Hard Things is the ultimate book gift for a young person. Authors Brett and Alex Harris, (brothers to Joshua Harris author of "I Kissed Dating Goodbye") challenge young people to rebel. Yes, I said rebel. But rather than rebelling against parents, God and church leaders, these insightful young men encourage young people to rebel against low standards and expectations. How refreshing! They are also the authors of a very successful blog. This book is life changing!!
Here is a short list of books I've been impacted by that will help you start out the new year ready for anything!
Celebration of Discipline is always the first non-fiction book I recommend. Richard Foster wrote this book over twenty years ago, but its classic content never grows old. He touches on the disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting just to name a few. I love Foster's writing style and his use of the old classical authors from Augustine to Bonhoeffer. I regularly purchase this book for my friends and Christian leaders. This book would make an excellent gift for someone in the ministry.
This is such a devotional classic. Oswald Chambers brings your walk with God into every nook and cranny of your life, and does it without judgment or guilt. Instead he brings hope to the reader that spiritual transformation is definite when we trust God for change.
If you've never gone through this daily devotional it is a MUST!!
This book is an excellent guide especially for the person who can never say no. Gordon MacDonald shares his tips on how to manage each portion of your life so that you can be balanced and honor God through every responsibility you have.
If you're looking for a great new devotional for the year. Look no further. Especially if you like in-depth Bible study.
I Dare You! Challenges you from the first. William Danforth, the founder of Purina, asks you to commit to reading through this booklet in one sitting. This is a great book for a college and career person. Someone just starting out in the world. Some of the lessons are a little dated, but that just makes the book charming...
Do Hard Things is the ultimate book gift for a young person. Authors Brett and Alex Harris, (brothers to Joshua Harris author of "I Kissed Dating Goodbye") challenge young people to rebel. Yes, I said rebel. But rather than rebelling against parents, God and church leaders, these insightful young men encourage young people to rebel against low standards and expectations. How refreshing! They are also the authors of a very successful blog. This book is life changing!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Twelve Days of Christmas Delayed - Taking a Break From Christmas;
I am so pleased to be a part of the P & G Give Health Project! Here is how it works: By simply clicking the widget and typing your e-mail address, P & G will give away one day of clean water to a person in need. After clicking this you will receive an e-mail, you must verify for the process to go through. So basically, by clicking twice, you enable someone to have clean water today! Yay! You can do this once a day, so I'll be including this widget at the top of each of my daily entries of Daily Deals. This is a really cool way to make a difference to so many in need. Pass along the link to my blog so that we can donate as much clean water as possible!! I'm grateful that God provides seed for the sower. Thanks P & G for providing a way for us to make a difference.
I am so pleased to be a part of the P & G Give Health Project! Here is how it works: By simply clicking the widget and typing your e-mail address, P & G will give away one day of clean water to a person in need. After clicking this you will receive an e-mail, you must verify for the process to go through. So basically, by clicking twice, you enable someone to have clean water today! Yay! You can do this once a day, so I'll be including this widget at the top of each of my daily entries of Daily Deals. This is a really cool way to make a difference to so many in need. Pass along the link to my blog so that we can donate as much clean water as possible!! I'm grateful that God provides seed for the sower. Thanks P & G for providing a way for us to make a difference.
Because of after Christmas sales, I've decided to start my 12 days of Christmas seemingly a little delayed. There is a method to my madness!!
As the first of my twelve days of Christmas begins, I'd like to suggest that you do something crazy today. Don't look on line for deals, in fact don't go shopping at all if you can help it. Don't wrap presents. Don't daydream about the kids opening that "one" present. Instead, find someone who is a shut in, or lonely. Find a person who can't decorate their own home, or do their own baking. Give some of your time to someone you wouldn't ordinarily spend time with.
I find that the Christmas season becomes an endless list of things to do and get done. It's very easy to get self centered. Even the things you are doing for others translates into focusing on how you're going to get something done for your Christmas plans. Take a break from your Christmas plans and invest into someone else's. Maybe you have an elderly neighbor who needs some help baking or decorating. Maybe you know a new mom who needs someone to make the "ultimate" sacrifice and go to Toys 'R Us for her. Whatever the case may be, taking a day off of being mindful of your holiday plans and focusing on helping someone else with theirs will allow you to have a Christmas Revival, a surge of cheer and good will toward men.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Daily Deals 12/10/10
Okay, so your holiday planning should be winding down...Here's a sweet idea on how to wrap it up! If your unsure how Walgreens works, it's pretty easy. I'll be writing a post on it soon. They will often give something called Register Rewards for certain purchases. These rewards are either good for another purchase at Walgreens (with certain restrictions), or they also take them at Jewel (with fewer restrictions).
If you didn't know, Hallmark has a deal with Walgreens this week. If you buy two of their cards, you'll receive $2 back in Jingle Bucks, or buy 6 of their cards and get $5 back in Jingle Bucks. (Jingle Bucks are Register Rewards with a new name. The only difference is that they have a shorter time limit and the starting time begins a week from purchase.) Here are some deals that and her readers came up with...
Buy (6) six Hallmark white tissue paper 20 ct. @ $0.99 ea. = $5.94
Use the 3/$1 coupon in the Walgreens advertisement (they have extras in the front of your store)
This will deduct $3.94
Pay $2 plus tax
Get $5 RR
About a $3 Money Maker!!!
It has been reported that Hallmark wrapping paper is also included in the deal. The exciting this is that Walgreens is also offering $5 Jingle Bucks for any purchase over $25...So check out these deals...
Buy 2 Hallmark wrapping papers on sale for Buy 1 @ $1.99 get one free. (see ad to help you identify)
Get $2 back in Jingle Bucks (for buying 2 Hallmark products)
Final cost FREE!!!
Buy 2 Hallmark wrapping papers on sale for Buy 1 @ $1.99 get one free.
Buy 4 Hallmark tissue papers @ $0.99 ea.
Use the 3/$1 in ad coupon (this will deduct $3.94.)
Pay $3.32
Get $5 back in Jingle Bucks (for buying 6 Hallmark products)
You've just made money on the deal!
Or the granddaddy of deals:
Buy 2 L'Oreal Lash Boosting Serum on sale for $9.99 get one for 50% off (The sign may say $12.99, but it should ring up $9.99)
Buy 6 Hallmark white tissue papers @ $0.99 ea.
Total $20.92
Use 3/$1 in ad coupon
Use 2 $2/1 Serum coupons found here
Use $3/1 L'Oreal product in the Walgreens Bright and Beautiful guide (found in the front of the store with the ads.)
Pay $6.98
Get back $5 in Jingle Bucks for spending over $25 before sales and coupons.
Get $5 more back for purchasing 6 Hallmark items
Final cost FREE! PLUS A $3.02 MONEY MAKER!!
Okay, so your holiday planning should be winding down...Here's a sweet idea on how to wrap it up! If your unsure how Walgreens works, it's pretty easy. I'll be writing a post on it soon. They will often give something called Register Rewards for certain purchases. These rewards are either good for another purchase at Walgreens (with certain restrictions), or they also take them at Jewel (with fewer restrictions).
If you didn't know, Hallmark has a deal with Walgreens this week. If you buy two of their cards, you'll receive $2 back in Jingle Bucks, or buy 6 of their cards and get $5 back in Jingle Bucks. (Jingle Bucks are Register Rewards with a new name. The only difference is that they have a shorter time limit and the starting time begins a week from purchase.) Here are some deals that and her readers came up with...
Buy (6) six Hallmark white tissue paper 20 ct. @ $0.99 ea. = $5.94
Use the 3/$1 coupon in the Walgreens advertisement (they have extras in the front of your store)
This will deduct $3.94
Pay $2 plus tax
Get $5 RR
About a $3 Money Maker!!!
It has been reported that Hallmark wrapping paper is also included in the deal. The exciting this is that Walgreens is also offering $5 Jingle Bucks for any purchase over $25...So check out these deals...
Buy 2 Hallmark wrapping papers on sale for Buy 1 @ $1.99 get one free. (see ad to help you identify)
Get $2 back in Jingle Bucks (for buying 2 Hallmark products)
Final cost FREE!!!
Buy 2 Hallmark wrapping papers on sale for Buy 1 @ $1.99 get one free.
Buy 4 Hallmark tissue papers @ $0.99 ea.
Use the 3/$1 in ad coupon (this will deduct $3.94.)
Pay $3.32
Get $5 back in Jingle Bucks (for buying 6 Hallmark products)
You've just made money on the deal!
Or the granddaddy of deals:
Buy 2 L'Oreal Lash Boosting Serum on sale for $9.99 get one for 50% off (The sign may say $12.99, but it should ring up $9.99)
Buy 6 Hallmark white tissue papers @ $0.99 ea.
Total $20.92
Use 3/$1 in ad coupon
Use 2 $2/1 Serum coupons found here
Use $3/1 L'Oreal product in the Walgreens Bright and Beautiful guide (found in the front of the store with the ads.)
Pay $6.98
Get back $5 in Jingle Bucks for spending over $25 before sales and coupons.
Get $5 more back for purchasing 6 Hallmark items
Final cost FREE! PLUS A $3.02 MONEY MAKER!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Daily Deals - 12/9/10
Bath & Body Works has an exciting deal! You can score a gift set for $5.99 shipped! Yay! This is how it works: Choose one of the gift sets for $10. Then use this code - F102785 at check out for $10 off $10 or more. Basically you're only paying for shipping. You can make this deal even sweeter by going through ShopAtHome! You'll earn 4% back on any Bath & Body Works purchase. Just enter here to get started!
Botanic Choice 75-85% off, Plus free shipping, Plus free bag, Plus 19% back!!
As you all know, my favorite shopping website is This morning, Colin posted this great deal. Botanic Choice has a great deal right now. They have many items reduced by 75-85% right here. Even better, you can score FREE shipping and a FREE eco-friendly canvas bag by entering this code: W5B203 in the webcode box. She scored 3 mg of copper 3 for $0.75, plus she got the free bag!
PLUS, right now, if you go through you'll score 19% back. You may want to stock up on your herbal and vitamin needs!
Yankee Candle High Value Coupon and Bed Bath and Beyond Deal!
I love candles! Yankee Candles are one of my favorites! Go here and you can print a high value $10 off $25 coupon. This coupon is good until December 24th, so you can use it right up until your last minute shopping. However, Bed Bath and Beyond has Yankee Candles for 25% off right now, PLUS some locations will let you use one of their 20% coupons from your Sunday coupon inserts. If you spend $30 at BBB, you'll also score a free candle. Don't delay! Tell me about your deal in the comments section.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Decorating Your Tree On A Budget
Every few years our family tends to have some type of "natural" theme to our Christmas tree. This year it seems to be pine cones. They look like they belong in our tree. :) Maybe God knew what He was doing! I found a bowl of pine cones this morning and our tree looked a little bare. Some of the pine cones had been dipped in glitter, others were just plain, but they were the perfect finishing touch to this year's tree, not to mention that they are very inexpensive if not FREE!
A few years back, my children were making crafts in order to earn money for Christmas. We took shells which we had purchased from the dollar store and brushed a little glue on them. Then we hot glued a gold ribbon loop and voile! we had a very tropical looking tree. (In addition we had an open house and the children sold many of their ornaments.)
Candy canes can also be a nice filler, especially if you have a childhood themed tree. When my children were younger we also strung popcorn and cranberries.
The point is, that if you look around you, there are all kinds of beautiful things to bring in and decorate not only your tree, but your entire home. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you aren't seeing much beauty, maybe your beholder needs to get a renewed outlook!
Leave ideas you might have about inexpensive and unusual holiday decorations in the comment section.
A few years back, my children were making crafts in order to earn money for Christmas. We took shells which we had purchased from the dollar store and brushed a little glue on them. Then we hot glued a gold ribbon loop and voile! we had a very tropical looking tree. (In addition we had an open house and the children sold many of their ornaments.)
Candy canes can also be a nice filler, especially if you have a childhood themed tree. When my children were younger we also strung popcorn and cranberries.
The point is, that if you look around you, there are all kinds of beautiful things to bring in and decorate not only your tree, but your entire home. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you aren't seeing much beauty, maybe your beholder needs to get a renewed outlook!
Leave ideas you might have about inexpensive and unusual holiday decorations in the comment section.
Christmas tree,
hot glue,
pine cones,
Daily Deals - 12/8/10
Dynamic fundraising meter for your Red Kettle campaign.
Aveda has a great deal today! You can choose 5 free samples PLUS you'll get free shipping with any order over $25.
Snapfish has a totally cool deal! BOGO on a classic Wall Calendar! Yay~ PLUS if you login through ebates, you'll earn 10% cash back!!
If you're looking for a laptop, Staples a great deal! Go here for a $50 off coupon on a Toshiba laptop, or here for $50 off a Dell computer. You may have to be a Staples Reward Member, but that's free and easy to sign up!
free samples,
free shipping,
great deal,
The Salvation Army,
Monday, December 6, 2010
Daily Deals - 12/6/10
Dynamic fundraising meter for your Red Kettle campaign.
This is the best deal I've seen on this product. If you've never seen these beautiful videos you might want to check them out at your local library. These are big everywhere this year.
You may want to sign up for tgi Fridays Rewards program. Right now, they are offering a reusable 25% off coupon! Yay!
Being a HUGE C.S. Lewis fan, I am very excited about the upcoming movie "Voyage of the Dawn Treader." Will definitely be seeing it the first day. With that said, these charming books will be a hot item for Christmas. PLEASE consider buying them for the children, (and maybe some adults) you love. They are fantastic!
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Official Traile...
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Being Thankful for What You Have - A Lesson From Nacho Libre
Dynamic fundraising meter for your Red Kettle campaign.
My friends have actually filled my kettle to 60%! Yay! Thank you for supporting such a wonderful charity!
Every Christmas I have a choice. I can either get annoyed that I seem to have more ideas than cash, or I can love opportunities that I do have. I wish I could say that I succeed at having the latter attitude. Quite frankly, it's a struggle for me. I have soooo many ideas of things to do for people. >:{ Sometimes I feel a little bit like Nacho, in Nacho Libre when he prays, "Why have you given me the desire to be a wrestler and then made me such a STINKY warrior?" I think, "Why do I have all of these ideas for gifts, but have no way to make them happen?"
"Anyways..." as Nacho would say, at this point, I have a choice. I can delight in the fact that I have something to give or I can feel frustrated. The truth is, no matter how much money I have, my ideas would probably exceed my abilities. So this Christmas, don't wallow in the mire of "I wish I could...", but instead find a way to wrap what you do have with the heart of all that you wish you could do.
Merry Christmas.
Christmas shopping,
gift giving,
Nacho Libre
Friday, December 3, 2010
Daily Deals - 12/3/10
The Salvation Army is such a wonderful charity. The number of people who have changed lives because of the selfless dedication of both the full time workers and the volunteers of this amazing organization is boggling to the mind. Please join me and consider making the Salvation Army one of your charitable donations this Christmas season!
Today and tomorrow ONLY, (Dec. 3-4), Staples has coupons available for $50 off any HP Laptop or Desktop! Head over here to print yours. Also, Staples has a deal for printers from (Dec. 3 - 11) $50 off any HP Printer over $199. The coupon for this can be found here. These coupons can also be used for online orders. Note the code number on them. With free delivery over $50, you may want to consider ordering online. If you do, make sure you login through ShopAtHome, as you will receive a 4% rebate.
Bath & Body Works has a good deal this weekend. They are offering 25% off gift baskets, plus you can get a free anti-bacterial wash with any purchase. Head over here to print a coupon.
J C Penney has a great on-line deal today and tomorrow only. (Tomorrow if you go to one of their stores.) You can head over here to print a coupon good for 20% off almost anything in their stores. (Apparently this does not include home items). Plus if you spend $69 or more you receive free shipping. (or you can have your order delivered to your local Penneys for pickup for FREE! If you do order online, don't forget to login through ShopAtHome and get 6% back!
Coldwater Creek still has their 25% off everything and free shipping deal. If ordering online, remember to go through ShopAtHome to earn 6% back!
Family Christian Bookstores is offering some sweet deals! They are offering 25% off your entire order as well as $0.99 shipping.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Daily Deals - 12/2/10
Please consider clicking here. It costs you nothing, but you can benefit the life of someone who needs help. P & G will give one day's clean water supply to someone for simply clicking onto the above widget and confirming through your e-mail. This is something EVERYONE can afford to do!
Tanger Outlets: $10 off $50 purchase at Aeropostle now until 12/24!
If you haven't "liked" Tanger outlets, you may want to do so now. In fact, here is their fb page. They are offering a deal everyday until Christmas. I love these outlets, although there aren't any near me. When I go and pick up Spencer I have to go past one, so I'll have to save up my coupons for when I pick him up for Christmas break! :)
Kohls 15% off everything December 2-5.
If you haven't "liked" Kohl's on Facebook yet, you'll want to do it now! Head over to their facebook page and "like" them, so that you're able to get great updates like this one! For on-line orders you can enter the code WONDER15 or if you'd like to head over there and use some of your Kohl's cash, you can print an in-store pass! If you are ordering on line head over to ShopAtHome and earn 5% back TODAY ONLY.
Have a Coach Outlet Store Nearby?
Lucky us! Here's a link for an extra 20% off through this Sunday. Looks like Tanger Outlet mall is calling my name!! Coach is my absolute favorite purse. They are so practical, and last forever!
Christmas shopping,
Tanger Outlets
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Making A List and Checking It Twice
Through out the years, it seems I've had to learn through experience how to stretch a dollar even further at Christmas. My husband being in direct sales, often has lean checks from November to March. Unfortunately, we haven't progressed to the point where we put money away for Christmas so here are a few things I've learned in order to stretch my Christmas dollar.
1) Save your drug store freebies. I always put new toothbrushes in my kid's stockings every year. Since toothbrushes are something I often get for free from Walgreens and CVS, I save a few extras for stocking stuffers. (I usually put a brand new razor in everyone's stocking as well.) For my daughter, I put cosmetic items I've gotten for free.
2)Decide on a budget. Before I do any Christmas shopping, I sit down with my husband and figure out what our budget for the holidays will be. I try to include any presents, extra food, special financial contributions, and supplies for any parties we will either be attending or hosting.

Speaking of financial contributions, I am endeavoring to raise $200.00 for the Salvation Army with my own virtual Christmas kettle! Please consider donating to this worthy cause. They truly do so much good around the world.
3)Determine how much of your Christmas budget is for gifts. The next thing that should be done is to determine how much of your budget will be set aside for presents.
4)Make a list of people who you'd like to purchase gifts for. Don't forget to include teachers, pastors, bosses and co-workers. I also keep a few inexpensive gifts aside in case I've forgotten someone.
5)Go back a prioritize your list. I usually have four different categories of people. a) immediate family b) extended family c)close friends d) neighbors, acquaintances, co-workers, etc.
Let's say that I have a budget of $400 this Christmas. The first thing I'd do is set aside $40 for an extra charitable contribution. Next, I'd set aside another $60 for parties and miscellaneous. This would leave me with $300.00. I try to spend 2/3 of my budget on my family. In this case, I would spend about $200.00. Since I have three children, my husband and my recently widowed mother to purchase for, I would divide this amount by 5. This would allow me to spend about $40 on each person. The remaining $100 would be for the last two categories. At this point, I'd definitely do some baking. The difference between the people in category c and d is that I'd probably include something small along with the baked item for the people in category c (ie. a bookmark for the people in my book club). If I have a little more money than this, I'd buy my close friends gifts as well as a baked item.
Coming soon: Christmas log
1) Save your drug store freebies. I always put new toothbrushes in my kid's stockings every year. Since toothbrushes are something I often get for free from Walgreens and CVS, I save a few extras for stocking stuffers. (I usually put a brand new razor in everyone's stocking as well.) For my daughter, I put cosmetic items I've gotten for free.
2)Decide on a budget. Before I do any Christmas shopping, I sit down with my husband and figure out what our budget for the holidays will be. I try to include any presents, extra food, special financial contributions, and supplies for any parties we will either be attending or hosting.
Speaking of financial contributions, I am endeavoring to raise $200.00 for the Salvation Army with my own virtual Christmas kettle! Please consider donating to this worthy cause. They truly do so much good around the world.
3)Determine how much of your Christmas budget is for gifts. The next thing that should be done is to determine how much of your budget will be set aside for presents.
4)Make a list of people who you'd like to purchase gifts for. Don't forget to include teachers, pastors, bosses and co-workers. I also keep a few inexpensive gifts aside in case I've forgotten someone.
5)Go back a prioritize your list. I usually have four different categories of people. a) immediate family b) extended family c)close friends d) neighbors, acquaintances, co-workers, etc.
Let's say that I have a budget of $400 this Christmas. The first thing I'd do is set aside $40 for an extra charitable contribution. Next, I'd set aside another $60 for parties and miscellaneous. This would leave me with $300.00. I try to spend 2/3 of my budget on my family. In this case, I would spend about $200.00. Since I have three children, my husband and my recently widowed mother to purchase for, I would divide this amount by 5. This would allow me to spend about $40 on each person. The remaining $100 would be for the last two categories. At this point, I'd definitely do some baking. The difference between the people in category c and d is that I'd probably include something small along with the baked item for the people in category c (ie. a bookmark for the people in my book club). If I have a little more money than this, I'd buy my close friends gifts as well as a baked item.
Coming soon: Christmas log
Christmas gifts,
Christmas list,
Christmas shopping
Daily Deals - 12/1/10
Please consider clicking here. It costs you nothing, but you can benefit the life of someone who needs help. P & G will give one day's clean water supply to someone for simply clicking onto the above widget and confirming through your e-mail. This is something EVERYONE can afford to do!
J C Penney's has a pretty sweet sale through Saturday. You have your choice of 20% off any order (including clearance!!) if you use your Penney's card, or 15% off any order if you purchase any using any other method. PLUS, TODAY ONLY, you can still use the FREE SHIPPING code JOLLY4U on any order $25 or more. Starting tomorrow there will be a new code GETAGIFT but it will be on any purchase of $69 or more. Lastly, if you sign-in through, you'll receive a 6% rebate!!
Coldwater Creek has a great deal. 25% off of anything on the site + free shipping on ANY order! I scored these taper candles for $4.77 shipped!
Coldwater Creek,
free shippint,
J C Penney's,
taper candles
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Daily Deals - 11/30/10 Baked goods, A Gift From My Heart
gift giving,
Monday, November 29, 2010
My Favorite Charity
Dynamic fundraising meter for your Red Kettle campaign.
The Salvation Army is such a wonderful charity. The number of people who have changed lives because of the selfless dedication of both the full time workers and the volunteers of this amazing organization is boggling to the mind.
Many of you may not know that the Salvation Army is indeed a Christian organization. It's founder William Booth was disheartened in the late 1860's by the cold hearted approach that most churches held toward the poor and the downtrodden. One of his mottos, "Soup, soap and salvation," tells of the practical common sense he held as a Christian leader. He knew that it was much easier to minister to a sinner's soul when they are not distracted by hunger and want. The Salvation Army also holds to the maxim, "Heart to God, hand to man." This is such an appropriate approach to life seeing that the world will know that we are Christians by our love.
The Salvation Army reaches out to so many, whether poor in body or spirit with food pantries, clothing drives, missionary outreaches, drug rehabilitation centers and the list goes on and on. Please consider giving in the above virtual bucket today. It will be one of the best investments you'll make this Christmas season.
The Salvation Army,
William Booth
Don't go Cyber Monday Shopping Before Reading This!!
You may have heard about them and wondered how they work. Today I'll be explaining how ebates and ShopAtHome internet rebate programs work. Basically, when you sign-up, you provide them with your standard information. Then, instead of going straight to the internet stores themselves, you sign in through the rebate program. The stores reward the rebate company for the traffic, and the rebate company rewards you with a percentage back. It's just that easy. Last year, I did much of my Christmas shopping through the internet. I was very surprised to receive a check for over $10 in the mail from ebates. I wasn't even very careful about logging in through their service every time. Also, from time to time, each of the companies offers codes good for free shipping or other special offers. It's kind of like using a Discover Card! What are you waiting for? I'd sign up right now!
Christmas shopping,
Discover card,
Daily Deals - 11/29/10 CYBER MONDAY
Please consider clicking here. It costs you nothing, but you can benefit the life of someone who needs help. P & G will give one day's clean water supply to someone for simply clicking onto the above widget and confirming through your e-mail. This is something EVERYONE can afford to do!
Here's a great deal from Aveda. Today only, you can choose 5 free samples and receive free shipping and a free organic cotton bag with any order over $25! Just use the code UPICK5 at checkout.
I am so excited about "Voyage of the Dawn Treader"! It comes out on December 10th. Anyway, here's a sweet deal for youth workers. If you're looking for an inexpensive gift for your Sunday School class or youth group, head over to CBD. They have tons of deals, many of them for under $1!! In fact, this devotional is only $0.25!! There is free shipping for orders over $25. The code is 338535. is offering a great Cyber Monday deal! Get $25 gift certificates for $2. Plus, for each certificate you purchase you get the chance to win and iPad! To make this a TOTALLY SWEET deal, ebates is offering 30% cash back if you order through them, and ShopAtHome is offering 35% back. That means that each certificate is only $1.70!!! Just enter the code DEAL at checkout. If you're unsure how to use the rebate programs look at my blog entry "Don't shop Cyber Monday Without Reading This Blog Entry!"
philosophy is offering a nice deal. With any purchase of $85 or more you'll receive the lovely gift set pictured above. This gift set is valued at $100. Just use the coupon code: sparkleandjoy. Plus, they are offering free ground shipping, no minimum! And TODAY ONLY if you order through ShopAtHome, you'll receive a 11% rebate.
American Eagle Outfitters - 20% + Free shipping!
American Eagle Outfitters has a sweet Cyber Monday deal. 20% off everything! Including clearance! Also, there is a buy 1 get one 50% off. This does not include the clearance items. Plus, there's free shipping. If you order through ShopAtHome, you'll get 5% back! I snagged this shirt for $6.76 shipped! Yippee!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Daily Deals - 11/28/10
Please consider clicking here. It costs you nothing, but you can benefit the life of someone who needs help. P & G will give one day's clean water supply to someone for simply clicking onto the above widget and confirming through your e-mail. This is something EVERYONE can afford to do!
itsThoughtful has a fun contest for the holiday season. They'd like to know your best Christmas/holiday present ideas. You could win $500!! Just click on here and post your ideas!
Today only!! Lee Jeans starting at $17.90 each PLUS free shipping when your spend $30 or more!
So here's the deal, Today Only!!! The Signature Collection is offered at Buy 3 Get 3 Free. Plus by logging in to Bath & Body Works via ebates you will receive a coupon code for a free gift with any $10 purchase. Simply enter the code FREE4U. In addition you'll receive a 3% rebate by logging into Bath & Body Works through ebates. If you're unsure how this program works head on over to my previous blog on making money while shopping online.
J C Penney is one of my favorite places to shop. Their sales are very generous. Today is the last day of a sale in which over 400,000 items are between 50 and 75% off. Plus, if you enter the code Jolly4U, you'll get free shipping on any order of $25 or more. Log on through ebates or ShopAtHome, and you'll receive 6% back as a rebate. In addition, many of you received coupon in the mail for an additional 15% any purchase at See the link above if you're unsure how to use these rebate programs.
Amazon Deals
My girlfriends with younger children highly recommend this series. They read them outloud to their children, because it makes them laugh! This is a great present for that elementary aged child. I find that boxed sets are easier to take care of. I am less likely to lose them, because I want to keep the set together, and the fact that they are kept in a box keeps the binding tighter over the long run. This price is 50% off the retail price.
Here's a great stocking stuffer idea at a great price!
Staples has started Cyber Monday today! Here's just one of the great deals you can snag on their website. $3.99 for a bluetooth! Plus, if you spend $50 or more, you'll receive free shipping, and if you log in through ShopAtHome you'll receive a 4% back rebate.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Daily Deals - 11/27/10
Now that Thanksgiving and Black Friday are over, it's time to turn our attention to Christmas. For those of you who are like me and enjoy a real Christmas tree, you can head on over to Home Depot. They have trees starting at on.y $17.98!! I also enjoy cutting my own tree, but for some reason it always costs more to cut down your own tree. Go figure, huh?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Daily Deals - 11/24/10 “An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day. ” ~ Irv Kupcinet
Please consider clicking here. It costs you nothing, but you can benefit the life of someone who needs help. P & G will give one day's clean water supply to someone for simply clicking onto the above widget and confirming through your e-mail. This is something EVERYONE can afford to do!
Here's a great deal from Bath & Body Works. Receive this V.I.P Bag with any purchase of $40 or more. This bag is packed with goodies. The offer is good both on-line and in stores. But you need to hurry. There are a limited number of these!! If you want to ensure your bag, I'd head over to their website now! Just enter the code VIP2010 during checkout.
Starting today, Walgreens is offering a FREE 8 x 10 collage!! Just enter the promo code "BFCOLLAGE" in the checkout section of the photo page on! This would be a great present for grandparents!
I love Mimi's Cafe. I always get the quiche, it is soooo good. Now they are offering 2 $5 off $15 coupons for updating your information. (You may be able to get them for signing up as well). The coupons do expire 12/05, so hurry over to this webpage, and fill in the information. You can also get a coupon for "liking" them on your Facebook page! has an amazing deal for tomorrow only!!! The standard percentage rebate for JCPenney's through ShopAtHome is 6%. But for ONE day only, 11/25/10, the rebate for JCPenney's will be 10% back! I think I might get an order ready so that after my "Gosh am I stuffed Thanksgiving nap", I'll quick make an order!
Here are a few ebates deals. These are Pre-Black Friday deals. If you're looking to purchase something from Tommy Hilfiger, you may want to consider purchasing from their website and through ebates. Right now you can take 30% off any purchase sitewide. In addition you can take another 20% off $125 by using the code EBTHNOV at checkout. Plus, by logging in through ebates, you'll receive 3.5% cash back!
Another great deal from ebates and Elizabeth Arden. With any order $65 or more, you'll receive FREE shipping and a 31-piece make-up bag valued at $300!! Plus, by logging in through ebates, you'll receive 5% cash back!
If you are unsure how ebates and ShopAtHome works, check out my previous blog, "How To Earn Money While Shopping On-line".
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