Monday, June 6, 2011

Extreme Couponing for Donations

On Sunday, June 5th, Family Harvest Church sponsored a Widow's Luncheon.  It was a lovely time.  The gym was decorated to look like an indoor garden, and the luncheon was lovely.  Carrot soup was served in adorable ceramic plant pots, and Linda Thompson's superb chicken salad was the lovely and light main course. The meal was concluded with strawberry ice cream and sugar cookies decorated like pastel spring flowers.

The Proverbial Shopper was allowed to share it's bounty of drug store products with the ladies at the conclusion of the meeting.  We were able to give away over $1000.00 worth of product!  Thanks to those of you who donated items or coupons!

Many of the dental products will be going to Guatemala for an upcoming missions trip, and many of the ladies were excited about sharing their coupons with us so that we can do even more.

If you are interested in sharing your coupons and you attend Family Harvest Church, you can drop off your coupon donations to the information booth.  If you're interested in helping with the shopping, please contact Kim Sullivan by commenting here or e-mailing @

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Family Harvest Church and Linda Thompson for allowing us to contribute to True Religion, the widow's ministry at FHC.  Also I'd like to thank Colin at for all of her hard work making those shopping lists for all of us who follow her!

1 comment:

Crunchy Frugalista said...

That is an amazing haul! Doesn't giving back to charity feel awesome! Newest fan here!