Saturday, July 9, 2011

Air Mattress Giveaway!

I know I haven't written in a while, but I wanted to make sure to let you know about an amazing giveaway at my friend's blog...the Reluctant Renovator.
She will be giving away a Kelty Sleep Eazy Air Mattress on July 15th.  So hurry here to enter today!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Extreme Couponing for Donations

On Sunday, June 5th, Family Harvest Church sponsored a Widow's Luncheon.  It was a lovely time.  The gym was decorated to look like an indoor garden, and the luncheon was lovely.  Carrot soup was served in adorable ceramic plant pots, and Linda Thompson's superb chicken salad was the lovely and light main course. The meal was concluded with strawberry ice cream and sugar cookies decorated like pastel spring flowers.

The Proverbial Shopper was allowed to share it's bounty of drug store products with the ladies at the conclusion of the meeting.  We were able to give away over $1000.00 worth of product!  Thanks to those of you who donated items or coupons!

Many of the dental products will be going to Guatemala for an upcoming missions trip, and many of the ladies were excited about sharing their coupons with us so that we can do even more.

If you are interested in sharing your coupons and you attend Family Harvest Church, you can drop off your coupon donations to the information booth.  If you're interested in helping with the shopping, please contact Kim Sullivan by commenting here or e-mailing @

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Family Harvest Church and Linda Thompson for allowing us to contribute to True Religion, the widow's ministry at FHC.  Also I'd like to thank Colin at for all of her hard work making those shopping lists for all of us who follow her!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

April Giving - Causing the Widow's Heart To Sing For Joy

Because of your generous coupon donations, we were able to donate over $270.00 worth of product to the widows and single moms pantry in the month of April!  Thank you so much for your giving.  A special shout out to Betty..thanks for all the paper goods!

Job 29:13 says, The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me: and I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy.

True Religion will be hosting a widow's luncheon at Family Harvest Church on June 5, and we will be distributing the goods then.  There is still time to donate either coupons or items...(no food items please).  If you have any questions, contact Kim @ (708)639-5504.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Miracle Trip To Disney World

Single moms often don't get to go on vacation.  I know that in the natural, a full blown vacation was an absolute impossibility for me.

My son was about 4 at the time, and in his prayers each night, he began to ask God for a Disney World vacation.  Thank goodness I didn't squelch his faith, or tell him that he shouldn't be asking for such things, but I quietly pleaded with God to answer his prayer.  It wasn't so much that I wanted to go to Disney World, as it was that I wanted my son to experience a personal God and Father, who cared about not only his needs, but also his dreams as well.

A few months after his first prayer, a couple from church approached me.  They said, "We hear that your son has been asking God for a Disney World vacation."  I still don't know how they found that out, but I told them that it was true.  "We'd like to help you make that happen," they said.  My walk of faith began then.  I was too shy to ask them what they meant exactly by that offer.  They ended up generously paying for Amtrack tickets and our hotel.  Now I needed to trust God for the hopper passes and food, which of course, God supplied as well.

I'll never forget what it felt like to be on a vacation planned by God, for the heart's cry of a little boy.  Tears welled up in my eyes more than a few times, and I felt I needed to pinch myself to make sure I was really there.  If there was ever any question of the goodness of God and His passion to give us the desire of our hearts, it was arrested then.To this day, whether my son has to purchase a high dollar item, or pay for college, I remind him of his trip to Disney World.  It is a point of contact for the two of us to remember for always...Wow!  God is good.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Exciting News!

Thanks to Center31, Linda Thompson and FHC for including two posts from this blog on their website Center31.  Check the posts out as well as plenty of other interesting articles!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Old Woman And the Song - Guest Post By Barbara Dalberg

This is a story my mother wrote about having become a recent widow.  I pray that it blesses you as much as it blessed me...

The Old Woman and the Song
It was 3:30 in the morning but the old woman didn’t seem to care. She stumbled
from her cozy bed and walked on bare concrete floors into the living room to
see the full moon shining in through the western windows. It was a cloudless, starfilled
sky and the moon was round and framed between towering slender tree
trunks. She stood awestruck. “Madeleine says we are the creatures that know,
and know that we know.” A tear ran down her wrinkled face.
The floors were cool and her bare feet felt the chill. “I simply won’t budge from
this window to satisfy my toes.” She had to see it all, the full moon shining and
the wind dancing with the tops of the trees. The night sky reminded her that
there is something even bigger than the lovely ball of Earth .....there is a larger
galaxy in an even larger universe and a Good Maker of it all. The moon shone
on her like a spotlight and she smiled, “If it ‘knew’ as we humans did, it would see
me framed as my window. It would say, “There’s a woman down there
looking up at me. Her hair hangs long down her back and it is streaked with
grey. She wears green pajamas and is barefoot. She has a tear running down
her cheek.”
She remembered the star gazing rock under the tree branch from which the
wind chime dangled. “I could sit there and observe the stars, feel the wind upon
my face, and not be this discontented human window observer. Dare I? At 3:30
in the morning? There’s no one to talk me out of it. There’s no one to know, to
worry. Perhaps it is there I will discover what it is I know”. The recent warm spell
had caused the snow to recede and the rock had become visible after months
of being a lump under many inches of snow. “If I act quickly before talking
myself out of it, put my coat on over my pajamas, slip boots on bare feet, (after
all it’s probably muddy), I would find myself outside in a matter of moments! But I
must hurry!”
Rushing to the closet the old woman outfitted herself for this unexpected
nocturnal journey and was out the door before she could wipe the tears from her
face or blow her nose.
She quietly shut the door behind her, even though in this rural area she was far
enough away from any neighbor to be a disturber of their peace. She took small
cautious steps because her eyesight wasn’t very good and she hadn’t
remembered to grab her glasses. She wished now that she had, for everything
looked a bit unclear and she was hesitant to put one booted foot in front of the
As she approached the end of the patio she realized that if she were to turn back
she should probably do so now, for beyond the patio there would be the stepping
stones, the bumpy terrain, and the dark that would make a quick retreat back to
the front door more arduous. She hesitated, weighed the possibility of danger
against the pure joy of the wind upon her wrinkled brow and made her decision.
She turned to look at the house one last time before proceeding into the
darkness. With no lights left on inside she could still see through the curtainless
windows because of the moonshine. “It’s so beautiful.....I miss him”, she sighed,
and the wind grabbed her words and tossed them around the trees and up
toward the moon and beyond the stars to where all words go when uttered from
the heart. She turned toward her destination and throwing all caution to the wind
stepped off the patio and made her way to the star gazing rock while the wind
whipped her very long grey hair straight up and out, standing on end in every
“I will face down my fears just this once and let my heart have it’s way.” Her lips
quivered as she continued to reassure herself while walking further and further
away from the house that had become her place of refuge.
The rock was cold and hard and not very accommodating to an old derriere.
And there she sat, under an evergreen branch, overlooking a farmer’s field in
February. She had no way of knowing how much time had passed since she had
ventured out into the darkness. At first she tried to relax and smell the pine and
hear the wind making melody with the chime. But after a while her thoughts
began to wander and she continually glanced back at the house, as if making
sure it was still there. She could see it from where she sat and could feel his love
wrap around her like the wind.
They had walked this land together in the time before the house, when it was
uncleared and tangled wildness. He had showed her how it would be and she
rejoiced to see him full of dreams and ideas. He walked with her in June wearing
his safari jacket, his eyes matching the blue of the sky. And they were happy. In
time, the dream became reality. The house now stands in the moonlight, but
without him. For after a few months living in the house, one day he said, “I feel
dizzy”......and he died in the house. “We were old when we built our house,” she
spoke outloud to no one. She recalled saying to him, “An architect should build
himself a house. It’s your chance to do it as you please, it’s your house.” His
response was always a gentle, “It’s our house.” “Now it is ‘my’ house alone,
without him to share it with.” She tried to redirect her thoughts as the tears flowed
from her eyes and she reached into her coat pocket to find his handkerchief that
was kept there to remind her of him.
Overcome by her grief she quickly stood to her feet, crying out with a firm voice,
“It’s enough now, you’ve been gone too long. Come home, I miss you.” But of
course her words did not fly off with the wind to beyond the stars but rather
dropped heavily at her feet because of their selfishness.
Thoughts of retreating back to the house and being the discontented window
observer filled her tired mind. But she remembered Madeline’s words about
emotions and how they could “.....let loose a storm”. She didn’t have the strength
to allow this “....violence of a waterfall to pour through her.” Not here, not now.
She called upon the Good Maker for peace and peace came, along with an
urgency to hear the Song the stars were singing and the wind was carrying to her
very spot under the tree branch. There were no more thoughts of the house or of
the sudden separation that had caused such great grief, for nothing mattered
much in comparison to the hearing of the Song, “......when the morning stars sang
together and all the angels shouted for joy.”
The Song was ancient; much older than the horizon, much older than the dawn.
Somewhere in the singing of it the old woman would begin to remember what it
was she knew and what the mist of her sorrow had almost extinguished, the
heaviness of her grief had almost smothered. She had not forgotten the existence
of the Song, but the joy of hearing it. She had not forgotten the Story, but the life
and healing of it’s knowing.
It was with the faintest whisper that she became aware of melody, hidden in the
wind of “ and was and is to come”. The lovely light sound came from such a
great distance that she strained to hear the sparkling voices. The wind was now
violently blowing through her and in her, so that she no longer needed to strain to
hear, for it had blown away the misty, heavy covering she had placed on the fire
of her heart. It was there she was surprised to find, in this place of inward peace,
that the Song had been waiting for her.
Once upon a time, the Story had seemed too big for the Old Woman, for there is
no beginning or ending to it’s telling. She was relieved to know that we were
allowed to hear and know only the part of the Story that concerns our small
world. At the start, Good Maker Architect began with foundations and
measurements, lines, bases and cornerstones, and the loud proclamation, “You
shall not pass!” But the Song wasn’t really about those things. The Song was very
simply about Love. A great Love. The singing stars and angels had observed the
Good Maker’s Love and shouted for joy in response to “I Am” and the outpouring
of His creative Self. After all......they had witnessed, “It is good”.
The Song was so lovely that the Old Woman became cemented in her stance,
lest she miss a single word. She was refreshed in remembrance of when the
earth was young and the Good Maker and His children walked in a lovely
garden, and all was as it should have been. But in a dark and catastrophic
moment in space and time, all of what was meant to be was changed, for a
serpent deceived the children to trust in his wisdom and to doubt the Goodness
of their Maker. And with the shifting of their allegiance came fear, and the
children hid themselves from the One who had made them. They would be
forced with drawn, flaming swords to leave the beloved Garden, clinging
desperately to a promise that there would come a day when the woman’s seed
would crush the head of the serpent who had deceived them.
For thousands of years the Story was filled with adventures and miracles, floods
and rainbows, wheels in the middle of wheels, giants and slingshots. There would
be plagues and blood on door lintels, manna and tablets of stone. But for many,
history became legend and legend became myth and things that should not
have been forgotten, were.
It seemed all hope had vanished concerning the promised Seed, when
astronomers followed a Star to a lowly stable where a Baby lay in a manger. The
Promise was enfleshed and called, Emmanuel, “God with us”.....born with Jewish
skin and bone. This same Child grew into manhood proclaiming, “I am the Way,
the Truth, and the Life and no man goes to the Father except through Me.”
There would be a night to remember when He would consecrate bread and
wine, and institute humility with a towel and a basin. The Promise was then
mocked, spat upon, beaten and crucified, until He uttered, “It is finished”, and
the serpent’s head was crushed. And then a most remarkable thing happened.
His tomb was found empty because He had defeated death itself. This victory
ushered in a new age, one of grace and faith. His followers stood looking up into
the sky as they watched Lord Jesus rise up into the clouds. “.....remember, I am
with you always, to the end of the age.”
What a sight the old woman was to behold as she stood listening under her
branch, her eyes closed and her smiling face lifted up toward the stars with the
moon shining down upon her. Her coat had flapped open and her green
pajamas had ballooned with the wind as if she were ready for “take off”.....and
all the while her hair continued to be tossed to and fro in the wild winter wind of
“Lord Jesus is with me,” she whispered in awe of the renewed revelation. She sat
down in reverence for the moment while a great comfort enveloped her. She
and her beloved had lived during this glorious age of grace and faith and had
placed Lord Jesus in the center of the time they had been given.
It was then that she saw in her minds’ eye two single figures moving toward one
another on a crowded dance floor. These two had eyes only for one another as
they sought each other out, dodging other dancers along the way. He was a
blonde, tanned Swede wearing an earth-toned jacket, and she a frail, young
Bohemian girl wearing a green sweater that matched the color of her eyes. They
were at the same place at the same time because of a....mistake, which
miraculously determined the course for the rest of their lives. They made their
way through the crowd until their arms reached out for the other, and so began
the dance that would be uniquely theirs and would continue for forty-three
The two became three with the birth of a tiny, beautiful daughter when they lived
near the Big Lake. She also entered the dance for she loved the Good Maker
and His Song. She hung on tightly to Mama’s twirling skirt, or hid in the safety of
Daddy’s arms when the dance became risky and adventurous, knowing he
would protect her. In these early years they danced in the ghetto of the Windy
City when times were turbulent and the serpent had put fear in the hearts of
God’s people. Courage was needed and courage arrived, dressed as a lovely
Salvation Army “Sallie”, who reminded the dancers that love was much stronger
than fear.
They danced in the Suburbs where a blue Night Light announced the excitement
of belonging to God’s family and encouraged His artisans to express His glory.
And all the while the obvious was taking place, the dance involved the
designing of buildings that would help others, and the turning of “places” into
homes... that were always golden oak in color. Early in the morning during these
years the young architect rode a subway into the Big City, as he purposed in his
heart to make a difference wherever he was. And the young mother strummed
a guitar on a Suburban porch and sang of the Good Maker’s greatness for all
who had ears to hear.
In their later years they danced in a place called “Terra” where young Disciples
came to experience Christ in their midst....and to share the bread and the cup.
“We get up, we walk, we fall down and meanwhile....we keep dancing.” She
remembered how much he loved these words, and that indeed there were
times when the dance floor had been strewn with obstacles and they had
faltered in their step and perhaps even missed a beat or two. Their dance was
not perfect, nor without flaw, but it was danced joyfully and wholeheartedly until
death did part. There were times in the weeks before the great grief, when she
would nestle up to his ear and whisper, “You’re the love of my life.” And for a
moment in earth time, eternity was experienced in the eyes of the beholder as
arms held on to the other.
And now, she could see him take a step away from her, bow to the waist, look
her in the eye, and say with that sweet, gentle voice, “Thank you Barbara, for the
dance of a lifetime.” A tear slipped down her face as she saw herself curtsey
and reply, “My dear Paul, it has been my delight.”
As the sun began to break over the horizon, the Old Woman became aware of
her surroundings and with a full and grateful heart she made her way back to the
lovely house, knowing she was after all a creature who “knew”. She knew that
the Lord Jesus was with her and that because death had been defeated, she
would see her beloved again.
“I stand up, I walk, I fall down and meanwhile....I keep dancing

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weekly Update!

This past week, I was able to purchase $71.70 worth of product for about $10 with the help your those coupon donations!  A large portion of this week's donations went to giving six Easter baskets and two board games to some needy children.  In addition, we were able to purchase 5 Similac formula for $.50 each! Thanks for your help!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thanks Coupon Donors!

Yipee!  Thanks to all of you who brought your coupons in.  We were able to purchase $91.10 worth of free items to fill our pantry!  If you're interested in helping me shop, leave a comment.  Or if you are from out of town, you can check out my facebook page to see the awesome deals we will be able to do this next week.  You can donate your goods to your favorite local pantry.  This is a particularly BIG week.  Yay!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt And My Reality Check

I've been wondering what to do with all those great Easter candy and toy deals.  Maybe I'll host an Easter egg hunt in my neighborhood!  I thought.  Visions of little girls in pastel Little House on the Prairie dresses and Easter bonnets skipping in my perfectly manicured back yard came to mind.  I smiled at my dream.  Then, reality kicked in and I realized that my backyard is far from being perfectly manicured, in fact, it's littered with doggy doo-doo and winter litter.  Being a single car family, with 2 full time jobs and loads of other commitments including several birthdays, a play and family members to move in to their new home, it was probably unrealistic to plan something of this magnitude.

Instead, I did decide to give the six small children on my block Easter baskets with all my deals and freebies.  I've been wanting to reach out to the families on my block for a long time, and here couponing gives me the opportunity to be a blessing again.  Thank God for creative ideas, and for a harvest of souls along with them!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Church A Dazzling Beauty - A Widow's Story - Guest post by Barbara Dalberg

A few months back I was jolted with the shock of losing my precious husband and friend of forty-three years. One minute he was here and the next minute he was gone. One minute I was a wife and the next a widow. At the blink of an eye the future to be shared with him, was now to be faced alone. There are no words to describe how disorientated I was in the days that followed.

I was in a daze. I was walking and talking but was only just hoping to awaken from what must surely be a nightmare. It was just yesterday we laughed and today I was discussing with a funeral director what to do with the remains of the one who was here and now was not, my beloved.

There were decisions to be made and made quickly, one of them being that people were coming from a distance and would need to be fed. This is when Family Harvest Church, my daughter’s church, a church over one hundred miles away from my home sent a representative with an abundance of delicious food for us. They also sent beautiful plant arrangements and cards and even a pastoral representative to attend the Memorial Service itself. They were there to support our daughter at the loss of her Dad...and to be a blessing to me. The Body of Christ in action was not a cheap hag.......but a dazzling beauty to behold.

The Salvation Army, was also very supportive and provided a lovely luncheon for our entire family. They supplied practical needs to me during this time as well as their loving presence. My husband had been a member of the local board and they sent pots of ornamental grasses and potted plants to be planted in his memory. Members of Family Harvest Church actually planted these grasses for me in our home garden.

My husband left me with a new house which he had designed but it was not quite finished when he passed away. He had purchased an outdoor shed to be assembled and it was laying outside on the bare ground at the time of his death. There were holes in the kitchen ceiling that needed to be closed up and plastered. I could hardly bear to look at all the unfinished work that needed to be done without crying and feeling so alone and helpless. That is when my own church family stepped in, Fulton Church. They assembled the shed for me, plastered the holes in the kitchen, sent a plumber to repair a faucet, cut down some dead trees in the yard and did it all in an organized and timely manner and with much joy.

I want to say that I also received small amounts of cash from many who sent cards and how much that was appreciated. My heart was broken, my life changed forever, and I could not bring myself to think about finances. That extra cash helped me get through the first couple of weeks without having to balance a checkbook. God is so good.
The Lord hugged me, encouraged me, supported me, comforted me, and met my needs through His Body on earth....the Church. His faithfulness is worthy of our awe.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekly and Daily Deals 4/10/11

Rather than reinvent the wheel, I am going to send anyone wanting a shopping list for the widows and single moms ministry, True Religion  to my facebook page for any deals and listings each week.  This blog, The Proverbial Shopper will be used solely for articles regarding upcoming events, inspirational stories and progress on our $2500 yearly goal for our Widows and Single Moms Pantry.  You may help in two ways...1) If you are a Family Harvest Church member, you can bring your unused coupons to church with you....2) Use your coupons to purchase the deals highlighted on my facebook page to help stock our pantry!

Thanks Hip2Save for all your hard work!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

God Gives Seed To The Sower

So, my church, Family Harvest Church had us read a book, 40 Days To Greater Generosity, during lent.  I really thought I'd heard everything there is to hear about giving and began out of pure obedience.  Hey, I'm just being honest here!  Boy was I wrong!  First of all, I never felt as though I was much of a giver because I am constantly looking at what don't have to give rather than what I do have.  I was delighted to find that I give much more than I thought I did, and yet made me hungry to give more.  To say the least, the book got me thinking.  In fact, God had already been dealing with me about many things in the book, because as you know I changed the focus on this blog toward finding ways to give to the widow and single mom.
Not only does the daily devotional remind the reader of scriptural principles in giving, but it combines this with practical ways to look outside the box for ways to be more generous....And not just with money.
Anyway, I thought I'd let you know that thanks to Linda Thompson and generous people at FHC giving their coupons, (and a few of you donated items as well) I was able to donate over $58.00 worth of product to the pantry this week alone!  The more coupons we bring in, the more we can do! This cost me absolutely nothing but time and effort!  At this rate, (and providing we receive more coupons, we could easily increase) together we could give over $2500 in a year!  Not bad for just bringing in the coupon section that you may already just throw away!
I said all of this to say, that I was looking for ways to be generous without having to spend a dime, because that's just where we're at financially.  But God truly does provide seed for the sower.  Ask God, He will give you creative ideas to give from what you do have.  Stop fretting over what you don't have.  God does give seed to the sower!
If you're interested in helping me, just bring your coupons or non perishable items to Family Harvest Church this Sunday.  (It's best if the coupons are still together in their jackets, it's very difficult to use loose already cut coupons because of our current filing system.)

**Plus a special shout out to Colin at for doing all the leg work with all those great deals!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Target Deals for Charity 4/6/11

Sobe 20 oz Bottles 10/$10
Use the $0.50/1 Target store coupon found here
Final cost $0.50!

M&M’s 1 oz Filled Egg $0.99
Use the $2/2 coupon found in the April issue of All You mag.
Or use the $1/2 coupon found in the 3/20 RP
Final cost as low as 2 for FREE!

Buy 2 Olay Quench Lotions $4.99 each
Total = $9.98
Use 2 $2/1 coupons found in the 4/3 PG
Pay $5.98
Get back a $5 Target gift card
Final cost ONLY $0.98 for both lotions – just $0.49 each!

Zyrtec 5 ct 24 hr Adult Allergy Relief $4.76
Use the $4/1 Target coupon found here
Plus, stack with the $2/1 coupon found here
Final cost FREE!

Visine Advanced Relief .28 oz (Travel Section) $1.99
Use the $2/1 ANY Visine Product coupon found here
Final cost FREE!

Purex Complete Crystals $2.99 (If this is marked higher at your store – do a price check)
Use the $1/1 Target store coupon found here
Plus, stack with the $2/1 coupon found in the 3/13 RP
Final cost as low as FREE!

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Life As A Single Mom

I was 29 years old when I found myself divorced and raising my then 3-year old son.  My ex-husband was not around and I was on my own for the first time in my life.  Having gone straight from my parent's home to being married, the only work experience I had was working in church offices.  Wonderful and satisfying work, but a little low on the pay scale.  In an effort to help, my church hired me, working around the hours I needed in order to take care of my son.

I tried my best not to depend on others for our daily needs.  I hated it that my parents had to help out with my rent, and even then, I still had to scrounge the car floor for change in order to buy a gallon of milk.  My basic diet was cereal and ramen noodles.  I remember once a friend felt "led" to take me grocery shopping.  She told me to fill my cart with whatever I wanted.  It was so humbling.  I didn't want to take advantage of her kindness, but I also knew that we needed meat and produce very badly. 

Another thing prominent in my memory was the time my gas had been shut off.  I lived in a little trailer at the time, and my heat, water heater and stove were all gas.  It was no problem about the heat, because it was summer.  But I still recall the days that I had to take cold showers, or warm up huge bowls of water in the microwave to add to my son's bath water.  One day, a friend came over around dinner time and saw that I was having difficulty lighting my charcoal grill.  (I didn't have any more matches.)  He said to me, "Why don't you just go inside and light something on fire at the stove?" secret was out.  And...of course the problem was quickly and quietly solved.

My parents and my church family were wonderfully used by the Lord during that time and come to think of it any other time in my life.  I felt so ashamed.  Ashamed to be a Christian who was getting a divorce.  Ashamed to be a 29 year old woman not able to take care of herself.  Ashamed that my life seemed to be taking such an unexpected turn.  After all, where was my faith??  Little did I know that other people looking at my life admiring my faith. Maybe not the people who didn't know me well, and gossiped behind my back, but everyone whom I truly respected and loved, they were all rooting for me with words and actions.

So, if you find yourself in this difficult situation, I know how it feels.  But I also know that God is faithful.  He will take care of you in ways you never expected.

For those of you who don't find yourself abandoned by the one you loved, maybe this blog will help you to be a little more compassionate.  Single moms need all the help they can get; financially, spiritually and sometimes they just need a friend to talk to.  I challenge you to find a single mom and her children to "adopt."  Slip them a little something extra at Christmas.  Give them a gas card.  Babysit for free for them.  If you live in the Southern Chicago suburbs, consider giving to our non-perishable single mom pantry.  With finances being as difficult as they are you may want to just donate your coupons.  You have no idea how desperate and alone a single mother can feel, and you have no idea how much even the simplest of gifts can mean...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Shoppping List for Charity 4/3/11

Colgate Maxfresh, Maxwhite, or Maxclean toothpaste 6 oz $2.99 = $2.99 RR
Use the $0.35/1 coupon found in the 4/3 SS
Pay $2.64
Get back a $2.99 RR
Final cost FREE + a $0.35 moneymaker!

Spend $10 on Participating household items = $3 RR
(Swiffer, Tide, Febreze, Bounce, Downy, cascade)
Buy around 4 Swiffer Dust & Shines on sale for 25% off
(The online price is not listed, but I’m guessing these will be priced around $2.99)
Use 2 buy one get one free coupons found in the 4/3 PG
Pay $5.98 (IF these are priced at $2.99 each)
Get back a $3 RR
Final cost only $0.75 each!

Accu-Chek Aviva or Compact Plus blood glucose monitor $14.99 = $5 RR
Submit for the $14.99 Mail-in Rebate found on the package
Final cost FREE + a $5 Moneymaker!

Olay lotion 8.4-20.2 oz, body wash 10-23.6 oz, bar soap 2-4 pk Buy 1 get 1 50% off
Deal Scenario #1:
Buy two Olay bar soap 2 pks $2.99 each (based on online price)
Minus Buy 1 get 1 50% off sale = $4.49 for both
Use 2 $2/1 coupons found in the 4/3 PG
Final cost only $0.24 per 2-pack!

Nature Made vitamins and supplements Buy 1 get 1 Free
Deal scenario #1:
Buy 2 Nature Made Vitamin B-6 50 mg tablets (100 ct) $6.29 each (based on online price)
Minus Buy 1 get 1 Free sale = $6.29 for both
Use 2 $3/1 coupons found in the Feb and/or March issue of All You mag
Final cost Only $0.29 for both!

Almay Cosmetics 40% off
Buy One Coat Nourishing Waterproof Thickening mascara or Intense I-Color $7.99 (based on online price)
Minus 40% off sale = $4.79
Use the $2/1 coupon found in the 3/6 SS
Plus, use the $2/1 Walgreens coupon found in the Spring Beauty Guide Coupon Booklet
Final cost $0.79!

Gold Bond body wash 12.5 oz $5.88 = $3 Ecb (limit 1)
Use the $2/1 coupon found in the 4/3 SS or 3/6 SS
Pay $3.88
Get back a $3 Ecb
Final cost $0.88!

Crest or Oral-B Pro-health complete rinse 16.9 oz, Clinical gum toothpaste 4 oz or Glide Clinical Protection floss 38.2 oz $3.49 = $2.50 Ecb (limit 2)
Use the $1/1 Crest rinse coupon found in the 4/3 PG
Or use the $1/1 Glide coupon found in the 4/3 PG
Pay $2.49
Get back a $2.50 Ecb
Final cost FREE!

Spend $20 on Benefiber, Gas-X, Maalox, or Prevacid 14 ct = $10 Ecb (limit 1)
Deal Scenario #1:
Buy 4 Gas-x Prevention products $6.29 (based on online price)
Total = $25.16
Use 4 $4/1 coupons found in the 12/12 SS
Pay $9.16
Get back a $10 Ecb
Final cost FREE + Moneymaker!
**There is also a $3/1 Benefiber coupon available here.

Complete Multi-purpose solution 12 oz $8.99 = $8.99 Ecb (limit 1)
Use the $1/1 coupon found in the 4/3 SS
Pay $7.99
Get back a $8.99 Ecb
Final cost FREE + a $1 Moneymaker!

G-U-M Eez-thru flossers 75-150 ct $2 = $2 Ecb (limit 2)
Final cost FREE!

Thanks to Hip2Save for the information!  If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be able to give as much as we do!
Thanks to Linda at Together Spreading Kindness and Family Harvest Church for allowing us to do this!