Friday, March 25, 2011

Pure Religion's been since Christmas since I've talked to all of you.  I hope all is well with you and yours.

I'm writing to let you know that I've started a new charitable endeavor in my church.  It's seems that many of us "couponers"  end up with items we have no need of.  Maybe we got it for free, or even made money on it!  But alas, I have no need of 3 packages of incontinence least not yet ;).   Donate your excess products.  It's a way to give in a tough economy, when you may not have as much cash to contribute as you have in the past.  If you come to Family Harvest Church in Tinley Park, you can bring your items to church and we will give them to the single moms and widows! 

If you don't coupon, there's still a way you can help.  You can bring your coupons from the Sunday papers to church.  This way we can purchase things in bulk.  If you're interested in helping me with the weekly shopping, please let me know.

It's important to find ways to give no matter what your circumstances.  People are hurting financially more than they have in quite some time, and perhaps a thoughtful bag of goodies is just what they need to brighten their day.  The only thing it will cost you is some time. 

If you have any questions, please comment below.

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